MyUC is the official mobile app of the University of the Cordilleras for viewing: student profile, class schedule, attendance, grades, student accounts and payments.

Class Attendance - Access student's daily class attendance recorded by teachers.

Grades - Grades for every grading period can be viewed within the app.

Statement of Account - Manage finances by reviewing school payment dues.

Payment History - Keep track of all school payments and transactions.

School Events and Announcements - Be updated with upcoming school events, activities and announcements.

Gate Taps - Keep track of your school entries and exits.

App Pages

Login Page

Login using your ID Number and your password. Your default password will be your ID Number, followed by a dash, then your birth month and birth day format.

e.g.: 12-1234-567-0531
(ID Number is 12-1234-567 and birthdate is May 31)

Main Page

This is the main page of the app where they can see their name, ID number, and track. They can access the features of the app to view their current schedule, attendance, grades and accounts history. On the upper right, there are two buttons: the reload button (on the left) and the options button (on the right). 

App Features


Students can view their final grades in this view. They must first select the school year and the semester of the grades they choose to view.


Students can view their attendance in this view. The days are sorted in descending order.  Only the absences and tardy of the students are listed.

Accounts (Balance)

Students can view their current balance in this view.

Accounts (Transactions)

Students can view their recent past transactions in this view.


Students can view their current class schedule in this view. The subject, time, days,  rooms, and teachers of the class are listed.

Gate Taps

Students can view daily entry and exit times in the school.